analyzethis android ios

Using Analyze This’ Instant-position analysis from your Android/iOS Chess App

You can use the Instant-position analysis feature of Analyze This from your own Chess App! All you need to do is invoke Analyze This and pass additional Intent extras.

1. Instant-position analysis for current position only
You can send the FEN string of the current position for Instant-position analysis. Note that only the FEN string is sent and not the whole PGN. So users would need to return back to your App in case they wish to analyze some other position.

public static final String PKG_ANALYZE_THIS_FREE 
= "com.pereira.analysis";
public static final String PKG_ANALYZE_THIS_PAID
= "com.pereira.analysis.paid";
public static final String ANALYZE_THIS_ACTIVITY
= "com.pereira.analysis.ui.BoardActivity";
public static final String KEY_FEN = "KEY_FEN";

//Since users may have either the Free or the Paid version of Analyze This, you should check using Package Manager

 //default to free version, 
//but check below if paid version is installed
String analyzeThisPackageName = PKG_ANALYZE_THIS_FREE;
if (isInstalled(this, if (isInstalled(this, PKG_ANALYZE_THIS_PAID)) {
//paid version is installed, so use it!
        analyzeThisPackageName = PKG_ANALYZE_THIS_PAID;

Intent intent = new Intent();
//send the "fen" string from your program
intent.putExtra(KEY_FEN, fen);
Intent intent =
new Intent();
try {
catch (ActivityNotFoundException e) {
//TODO neither Free nor Paid version of Analyze This is installed,
so show message to the user to install the App from the Play store

//Method to check if the given package is installed on the device
public static boolean isInstalled(Context context, String packageName) {
boolean installed = true;
try {
PackageInfo pinfo =
context.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(packageName, 0);
catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
installed =
return installed;

2. Instant-position analysis with whole PGN
You can also send the whole PGN game to Analyze This and have it immediately start analyzing the position at a given ply number: (new addition in Analyze This v3.1.4). The added advantage of sending the whole PGN text is that users can also move back and forth through the game without having to return back to your App.

//complete pgn text
intent.putExtra(android.content.Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, pgn); 
ComponentName name = new ComponentName(analyzeThisPackageName,

//plyNum (half-move) at which to start analyzing
intent.putExtra(KEY_PLY_NUM, plyNum);


You can even ask Analyze This to flip the board or choose a different board color which suits your application’s board color.

 //Integer value, where 0="Aqua", 1="Blue", 2="Brown", 3="Gray", 
4="Green" , 5="Fritz", 6="Sky Blue"
intent.putExtra("KEY_COLOR", 0);
intent.putExtra("KEY_FLIPPED", true);

//set the component
ComponentName name = new ComponentName(analyzeThisPackageName,

public static final String KEY_PLY_NUM = "KEY_PLY_NUM";

Intent shareIntent = new Intent(android.content.Intent.ACTION_SEND);

try {
} catch (ActivityNotFoundException e) {
//TODO neither Free nor Paid version of Analyze This is installed,
 so show message to the user to install the App from the Play store
You can send the whole PGN game to Analyze This and have it immediately start analyzing the position at a given ply number. The added advantage of sending the whole PGN text is that users can also move back and forth through the game without having to return back to your App.Your iOSAppcan interact with Analyze This through custom URL schemes and copy PGN data to clipboard. Analyze This then starts analyzing the pgn copied by your App to the clipboard.
Step 1: Sending whole PGN to Analyze This
You can even ask Analyze This to flip the board or choose a different board color which suits your application’s board color.
static NSString *kPasteboardName = @"pgnPasteBoard";

//MUST – The pgn string that should be sent to Analyze This.
Currently the App only accepts a single game in pgn string format
static NSString *kPgnKey = @"pgn";

//OPTIONAL - the position at given ply which Analyze This will jump to
static NSString *kPlyKey = @"ply";

//OPTIONAL – if Analyze This should immediately start analyzing the position.
 Default -
static NSString *kAutoEngineKey = @"autoengine";

//OPTIONAL - Integer value where 1=”Aqua”, 2=”Blue”, 3=”Brown”,
4=”Gray”, 5=”Green”, 6=”Fritz” (starts from 1 not 0)
static NSString *kColorIndex = @"colorIndex";

//OPTIONAL - whether Analyze This should flip the board [true|false]
static NSString *kFlipped = @"boardFlip";
//Open Analyze This app and analyze the pgn
- (void)analyzeTapped {
NSInteger colorIndex = 1; // ex. Aqua board
BOOL isFlip = false;
NSNumber *currentPly;
// get pgn string from your app
NSString* pgnStr;

NSString *customURL = [NSString
 kPasteboardName]; // configure the url
customURL = [customURL stringByAppendingString:
[NSString stringWithFormat:@"&%@=%@",
 kPlyKey, currentPly]]; 
//plyNum (half-move) at which to start analysing
customURL = [customURL stringByAppendingString:
[NSString stringWithFormat:@"&%@=%@",
 kAutoEngineKey, @(true)]]; 
// start engine when Analyze This loads
customURL = [customURL stringByAppendingString:
[NSString stringWithFormat:@"&%@=%ld",
 kColorIndex, (long)colorIndex]]; 
// colour of your choice
customURL = [customURL stringByAppendingString:
[NSString stringWithFormat:@"&%@=%d",
 kFlipped, isFlip]]; 
// flipped bool
// create a UIPasteboard with name “pgnPasteBoard”
UIPasteboard *pasteBoard =
[UIPasteboard pasteboardWithName:kPasteboardName 

// set pin string to paste Board
[pasteBoard setString:pgnStr];

//if the url opens, it means Analyze This is installed else show the
//user alert to install Analyze This
if ([[UIApplication sharedApplication]
canOpenURL:[NSURL URLWithString:customURL]]) {
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:customURL]];
} else {
UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc]
initWithTitle:@"Install Analyze This"
message:@"Analyze this game with a powerful Chess engine!
Its free. 
Would you like to install it now?"
otherButtonTitles:@"Install", @"Cancel", nil];
[alert show];
#pragma mark - UIAlertView Delegate
//Handle button clicks
- (void)alertView:(UIAlertView *)alertView clickedButtonAtIndex:
switch (buttonIndex) {
case 0:
[self installAnalyze];
case 1:
//Do nothing // cancel button
@"Do nothing");
//open the Analyze This store listing in iTunes, so that the user can install the App
- (void)installAnalyze{
// Initialize Product View Controller
SKStoreProductViewController *storeProductViewController =
[[SKStoreProductViewController alloc] init];
// Configure View Controller
[storeProductViewController setDelegate:self];
[storeProductViewController loadProductWithParameters:
@{SKStoreProductParameterITunesItemIdentifier : @1090863537} 
completionBlock:^(BOOL result, NSError *error) {
if (error) {
NSLog(@"Error %@ with User Info %@.", error, [error userInfo]);
} else {
// Present Store Product View Controller
// [self presentViewController:storeProductViewController
animated:YES completion:nil];
[self presentViewController:storeProductViewController
animated:YES completion:nil];
Step 2: Include URL Scheme in info.plist
Be sure to include Analyze This URL scheme in your application’s Info.plist under LSApplicationQueriesSchemes key if you want to query presence of Analyze This on user’s iPhone using -[UIApplication canOpenURL:].

Open Info.plist. Add new element (+). Set key asLSApplicationQueriesSchemes. Set values as apxchesspgn

Analyze This – Understanding the Chess Engine

What is Critter, Stockfish?

Critter & Stockfish are the Top free Chess engines (aka mini Computers) that come pre-installed with Analyze This.
They are like the commercial engines Fritz, Houdini albeit free.
As of May 2013, Critter has an estimated ELO strength of 3175 while Stockfish is rated at 3164! (Carlsen is 2868!)
Newer versions of Critter and Stockfish can be downloaded from their respective sites:

What are the three buttons next to the Engine?

Start or stop the engine.
Increase the number of “lines” that the engine shows. By default, the engine only shows the first best move it has calculated. You can press “+” to ask the engine to show the 2nd, 3rd etc “best” moves. 1st move is always the best move. More engine lines mean that the engine has to use lot of CPU power and also spend equal time analyzing the other “best” moves that it considers. The quality can degrade with too many lines.
Decrease the number of lines. Lesser the lines, the efficient is the engine.

What do those numbers and symbols shown by the Engine mean?

+/= (=/+)
Slight advantage: White (Black) has slightly better chances.

+/− (−/+)
Advantage: White (Black) has much better chances. It is also written as ± for White advantage, ∓ for
Black advantage; the other similar symbols can be written in this style as well.

+− (−+)
Decisive advantage: White (Black) has a clear advantage.

(6.31) Centi pawn evaluation
The engine considers the position to be equal to 6.31 pawns (winning). Negative value means the position is losing for Black by those many pawns.
In other words, the evaluation of the position in terms of pawns (where pawn = 1pt)

ex: +3.2 means white is winning with score of 3.2 pawns. -0.5 means black is slightly ahead by 0.5 pawns.

d=16 (Engine depth)
The half-moves that the engine is currently thinking ahead. Typically means that the engine is thinking 8 moves ahead (8 for White, 8 for Black). As you give more time for the engine to chew on that position, the depth will keep increasing gradually.

For more details, please visit

NOTE: Running more engines simultaneously or with multiple lines can severely drain device battery.


Analyze This – Tips and Tricks (new in v3.0)

Many features have been added in v3.0. Here are some Tips and tricks.

NOTE : When in doubt, press the Menu key (indicated by 3 vertical dots on the Top right/left of the device. On some devices, the Menu can be accessed with a physical button)!

Delete game from PGN file

Added a game to your PGN file by mistake and wish to delete it? Touch and Hold the game and you will see the Delete icon on the top right. Press the icon to delete the game. (Note : the game will be permanently deleted. Always create a backup of your important PGN files!)

Play against Mobile / Engine shootout (PRO Only)

The one important thing that Analyze This lacked was the ability for the engines to play against you or against other engine. Not anymore! Say you are practicing Endgames or just want to understand why the GM resigned in a given position; you can test your skills against the machine!
Tap the Engine name (hyperlink) and choose ‘Play this side’ and the engine will automatically make moves for that side, while you play the other. If you choose ‘Play this side’ again, then the engine will make moves for both sides and finish the game. This way, you could use any combination of engines!! (Psst: I tried to play the Shak vs Svidler Candidates game where Svidler resigned after the awesome Rg5. I played with the White pieces, but I still could only draw against the Engine!! Envy those Super GMs. Try it!)

Engine output to Notation

You can copy the engine output to the notation! There are two ways to do this:
* Clip main-line – Tap the engine name to see the option. This will copy the engine’s main line to the notation
* Touch and hold the engine line – Alternately, you can touch and hold any of the variation in the engine window and that variation will be copied to the notation.

Annotation editor

Analyze This now has the option to annotate your games. You can use the Annotation Editor to annotate multiple moves in one sitting! Just tap on the move that you wish to annotate and choose the appropriate symbols. Add a comment if you like and press ‘Apply Comment’.

Quick Annotation Palette

What if you only wish to quickly add some symbols to the game without having to load the complete Annotation Editor!? Simply double tap on any empty square on the board and you will see the above Annotate Palette. Then choose any symbol and it will be added to the move. Note the palette will auto close in 5s.

Promote variation

Touch and hold the move in the Notation window to see the option to “Promote variation”. This will make the sub-variation into the main line.

Auto-replay game (PRO Only)

A good way to go through master games is to play through them quickly, as many times as possible and as many games as possible. Analyze This now allows you to do that. Just press the green button and the game will auto-replay every few seconds. Sit back and enjoy the game!

Variation chooser

When you are reading a annotated game, its not always easy to find the sub variation and jump to it. Now, Analyze This will pop up the available variations and you can tap any of the move to jump to that variation. Bonus Tip : At the end of the sub-variation, you can continue to hit the right arrow and you will automatically jump back to the main-line!

Player lookup via Wikipedia

Note the hyperlinks on the Play names in the first picture. You can lookup the Player profiles on Wikipedia. Handy if you are browsing through some international games and wish to lookup on some favorite players or somebody unknown.

Swipe to change games

When you load a game from the games browser, you can swipe from right-to-left on the board to load the next game. Similarly, swipe left-to-right to load the previous game. (Note : Every time you launch the app, the app may show you the Games list the first time. Then subsequently, swiping will load the game)

Arrows and Highlights

Sharing Board as image with Analyze This just got better! You can now highlight squares or draw arrows. Simply touch any square to highlight it. Swipe your finger across to draw the arrow! (Thx Carlos). Coordinates are automatically added to the image, so that your readers are not left wondering which side moves up or down!

Quick access to recent PGN files

Like me, if you access multiple PGN files from different folders (Download, Dropbox folder etc), then Analyze This v3.0 has a handy little feature. It shows your last accessed PGN files at the top (in light gray) irrespective of which folder you are current in. Simply tap the file to load it!

Different ways to Paste in Analyze This

Analyze This has a single “Paste” option, but it is smart enough to know what you are actually pasting!
So you can paste a complete PGN or only the FEN string or only the moves, and Analyze This accepts them all!

Say you have received a PGN in your email or have it on a website. 
You can paste the complete PGN.
[Event “New Jersey State Open Champion”]
[Site “?”]
[Date “1957.??.??”]
[Round “7”]
[White “Fischer, R.”]
[Black “Sherwin, J.”]
[Result “1-0”]
[ECO “B30”]
[WhiteElo “”]
[BlackElo “”]
[PlyCount “65”]
[EventDate “1957.??.??”]

1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 e6 3. d3 Nc6 4. g3 Nf6 5. Bg2 Be7 6. O-O O-O 7. Nbd2 Rb8 8. Re1
d6 9. c3 b6 10. d4 Qc7 11. e5 Nd5 12. exd6 Bxd6 13. Ne4 c4 14. Nxd6 Qxd6 15.
Ng5 Nce7 16. Qc2 Ng6 17. h4 Nf6 18. Nxh7 Nxh7 19. h5 Nh4 20. Bf4 Qd8 21. gxh4
Rb7 22. h6 Qxh4 23. hxg7 Kxg7 24. Re4 Qh5 25. Re3 f5 26. Rh3 Qe8 27. Be5+ Nf6
28. Qd2 Kf7 29. Qg5 Qe7 30. Bxf6 Qxf6 31. Rh7+ Ke8 32. Qxf6 Rxh7 33. Bc6+ 1-0
Or you can paste only the FEN string (frequently available in diagrams on the ChessCafe website). Ex:
 [FEN “8/4pkPp/7B/3K4/8/8/8/8 w – – 0 1”] 
“8/4pkPp/7B/3K4/8/8/8/8 w – – 0 1”

or you can paste only the moves from a game (from starting position)

1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 e6 3. d3 Nc6 4. g3 Nf6 5. Bg2

Now isn’t that one smart app!?


//The following features were already part of v2.0.x

PGN delete and share

Now delete or share the PGN file with your coach right from within the app!
In the File Browser (via Open PGN), touch and hold the pgn file that you are interested to delete or share. You should see options to the top right as shown below.

Then you can Delete the file or Share it via Email, Dropbox, Google docs etc

Create new PGN

While saving a game, you are asked to Choose a File. You can even create a new PGN from within the app!
Press the physical menu key and choose “Create New PGN”. If your device does not come with physical menu key, then its even easier. You can simply choose the “Create New PGN” option from the drop down located at the top right of your screen (indicated with 3 vertical dots)

Long press notation/moves for more options

You can select a move from the move/notation window. Then touch and hold it and a popup should appear with more options.
“Delete this move” – Delete the currently selected move including itself. This can be even used to delete a complete variation by selecting the first move from the variation and then choosing “Delete this move”

Swipe to turn board

Wish to turn/flip the board? Now thats easy. Simply swipe your finger down the board as shown below! Turning the board was never so easy!

Tap engine analysis

Now you don’t have to manually enter moves. If you like the engine’s suggestions, then Tap on the engine move in the list and it will be played on the board!
For ex. in the image below, once you tap the variation, the first move Ra3 will be played on the board.
You can continue to tap to make subsequent moves

Tilt to move

    Give your fingers some rest. Simply tilt your device left/right to take back or move forward through the notation! I use this feature, when I am relaxing on the couch and wish to play through some recent master games. What best is that I can even use it while moving around and move back/forth through the moves with a single hand!
    Note: Tilt = move the left/right vertical edge of your device such that one edge of the device is up while other edge is down.
    analyzethis android

    Analyze This v3.0!! Lots of features and fun in your favorite Android Chess app!

    Extremely happy to have released Analyze This v3.0 today. This culminates many months of work and I could not have been more happier than this.

    This release has lots of exciting features and I am personally very happy with it.

    WHAT’S NEW in 3.0?

    • Delete games from PGN file (remember to always back-up your precious PGN files!) (Thx Mesut, Romuald, Claude)
    • Copy Engine output to Notation – Handy if you like to permanently save the engine analysis to PGN. To copy the whole line to notation, simply touch and hold the line. Alternately, you can also tap the engine name and choose ‘Clip main-line’ to copy just the main line. (Thx Timotei, Kevin, Mazzy)
    • Play against Mobile / Engine shootout [PRO Only] – Wonder why the GM resigned in his game? Now you can try that position and play it against the Engine. Or wish to sharpen your Endgame skills? Play it out against the Engine. You can start a different engine (or even the same engine) for the other side, and have the Engines play against each other and finish off the game! This can be a really powerful tool to practice endgames or certain winning positions and test your skills against the machine.
    • Annotation editor – Add comments and symbols. You can tap on any other move and enter the comment for that move too. Makes it easier to quickly annotate a game.
    • Quick Annotation Palette – For those cases where you simply want to add a symbol. Just double-tap any empty square on the board and quickly choose the symbol It cannot get easier than this!
    • Promote variation – You can now promote sub variations from the Notation view.
    • Auto-replay game  [PRO Only] – Like to go through many master games? Then this is for you. Load your favorite games and let the app automatically move through the game.
    • Variation chooser – Sometimes when you are studying an annotated game with lots of variations, its not easier to find the sub variation inside the large variation tree. Analyze This gives a handy list of variations for you to choose. Tap the variation to enter it. At the end of the sub-variation, you can tap-tap (twice) to automatically jump back to the main line. Pretty handy I say! (Thx Durga Prasad)
    • Player lookup via Wikipedia – Sometimes when I browse through PGNs downloaded from, I come across good games played by relatively unknown players. This feature makes it handy to lookup the player’s profile (if exists) on Wikipedia. It is also a good way to check on your favorite players and their important statistics.
    • Swipe to change games – Say you loaded a game from your PGN file. Now to load the next game, you simply swipe left-wards on the board. Similarly, swipe right to load the previous game from the PGN. (every time you restart the app and swipe, you will be shown the games list for the first time. Subsequently, swiping will work as expected) (Thx Joseph)
    • Arrows and Highlights – Sharing the board as image just got prettier. Before you share the image, you can highlight key squares and draw arrows! (Thx Carlos)
    • Single tap to launch Notation menu. If you already have a move highlighted in the Notation view, then you simply touch it one more time to access the Notation menu (Delete Move, Promote variation, Annotation Editor) options.
    • Improved Fritz color (hopefully this is easier on the eyes on brighter devices) (Thx Zamana)
    • Stockfish upgraded to DD (another update v3.0.2 was released with Stockfish 3.0 included. If DD has problems running on your device, you can switch the engines from the Manage Engines screen). Added support for intel Phones. (Thx Eric and neevstation)
    • Move to sd card (for supported devices) – App can now be moved to the SD card (if you are falling short of space on the internal memory). Please let me know in case some things don’t work. (Thx Larry)
    and some more…!

    Check out the Tips and Tricks!

    Download Links:
    AMAZON APP STORE (v3.0 releasing soon)

    PS: The app has been thoroughly tested (as much as one person could!) and there may be some potential problems. Please drop me a note if you see anything odd!
    IMP: If you see some weird behavior after upgrade (over your existing version), its always best to uninstall and re-install again!


    Minor update to Analyze This app – Stockfish 4.0 & less battery drain and heating!

    I have just released v2.0.6 of Analyze This app, with some important improvements:

    • Stockfish 4.0 – The Stockfish engine has been upgraded to v 4.0! I have found this version to be definitely better. This is also good on your battery, since by default it uses only a single core.
    • Less battery drain and heating – Using iChess on a multi-core device would often cause the device to heat up when continuously solving puzzles. This update brings better battery usage and definitely lesser heating!
    • Bug/Crash fixes – Some important bugs and crashes have been fixed.

    This is just a small release. More “feature” updates are in the pipleline!

    analyzethis ichess

    Minor updates to iChess and Analyze This, simultaneously!

    Probably my first release where I pressed the ‘Submit’ button and published 4 (both iChess and Analyze This versions) apps at the same time!

    iChess v3.1.6
    * Illegal moves are not allowed
    * Review mode has been enhanced. Now you can easily add moves, jump to any position and move back and forth.
    * Bug fixes in alternate moves.
    * Minor enhancements

    Analyze This v2.0.3
    * Improved stability when loading PGN
    * Stockfish engine crash
    * Minor engine output changes
    * Other enhancements

    Special thanks to Tadek, Che, Gilberto for their kind feedback (without adding a bad review)! 😉


    Analyze This – I want a BIG board!

    Everybody wants big things in life. Why should the Chess board on Analyze This be small?
    I heard your feedback and today I have released v2.0.2 to Play Store with board size optimizations and minor enhancements for small screen phones.

    Show/Hide Notation view – This makes the board bigger!

    Just click the expand/collapse icon (^ – next to the Black player name), and you can enjoy a big board!
    Disable Sound
    You can now disable the sound from the Settings.
    Engine fixes and minor enhancements
    To the user who reported an issue with engine Robbolito; thanks, it is fixed in this release!

    Enjoy (and don’t forget to rate!)


    Analyze This in Action [Video]

    Here is a video of Analyze This app in action.

    analyzethis android

    Analyze This v2.0 released – your Android Chess experience just got better

    I am very excited and proud to release v2.0 of Analyze This. This is my first major release after quitting my day job and going full-time and I am personally very happy with this release.

      What’s new?

      • New innovative feature: Simply tilt your device (left edge up or down) to move forward/backward through the moves! Now give your fingers some rest! See Settings to enable/disable. Or you can even use the Volume button/keys of your device
      • Install UCI engine of your choice! Hide some or all engines
      • Load and Save PGN games including variations. Touch and hold move in the notation view for more options
      • Refreshing new look, smoother interface plus board colors
      • Share game/position with other Chess apps or via email/twitter. Can even share the current board position as image!
      • Tap engine analysis to play the first move on the board
      • Stockfish upgraded to latest 3.0 version
      • Delete and Share your PGN files right from within the app
      • Many bug fixes and improvements

      THIS upgrade was made possible by the kind feedback and suggestions from many invisible friends! (whom I have never met and may never get a chance to meet!)

      Arne | Artem | Benzi | Carlos | David | Dom | Joseph | Justin | Kevin | Mehmet | Raymond

      Both free and paid apps have Critter and Stockfish by default. If you only see one engine, then please re-install the app and start the app once. 
      Edit: Issue fixed in v2.0.1

      analyzethis android

      Analyze This – Install new UCI Chess engine

      Starting with Analyze This v2.0, you can now install a compatible UCI Chess engine of your choice!

      To install a new engine:
      1. In Analyze This, click MenuManage Engines
      2. Click “Install Engine” at the top right.
      3. Download the UCI engine zip from the link at the bottom. Locate the UCI engine you just downloaded. (If you downloaded a zip file, then YOU need to unzip it first.)
      4. Analyze This will run some quick tests to see if it is a valid UCI engine and show it in the list. Your engine will be pre-selected and ready for use. (For best results, deselect the engines that you are not interested. This will give you better performance and bigger board)

      Note: Analyze This app does not limit the number of engines you can run simultaneously! However, running more engines will severely drain your device battery.

      What are you waiting for? Go ahead and download some UCI engines from below link:

      (Download and extract the UCI zip to your device. Then launch Analyze This and choose any engine from the UCI folder/<enginename>.

      Other good resources for Android Chess engines: