
World Championship App, Carlsen and some pics

“The first of its kind!”
This World championship match touched many lives, and mine has been no different.

Back in September, I approached the AICF with a proposal to develop a Android app for the Match. They liked the idea and the rest is history!

There were lots of new things that I had never done before with my other Chess apps. It was a big challenge. 

♚ The first line of code!

On, September 1st, 2013, I wrote the first line of code!
Given my familiarity with Java and affinity towards Google, I chose the Google App Engine as my server. (One of the main reason to use a separate server for my app was to reduce the load on the official servers, especially after the London Candidates’ debacle during the earlier rounds). There were many technical hurdles that had to be crossed.
Line by line, file by file, the Android app and the corresponding server was brought to life.
But the main setback was not a technical problem, but a lack of response from the concerned teams that almost threatened to derail the app or some of its features. 
There were so many questions that needed answers, but there was no one to answer!

♚ First board prototype

The first board prototype, using the color scheme matching the actual board from the Candidates! Lol. The teak theme was too dark on some phones, especially the black pieces on dark square.

♚ What you “fore-see” is not what you get!

But as it happens with so many projects, the end-product is almost always completely different from the initial idea that you had envisaged, and some times its good.
At some point, the “Cool Anand” and “Hot Carlsen” board ideas struck my mind.
The app had to be made personal. After all it was all about the duo. And the fans. Let chess fans proudly choose the board theme matching the player they support, is what I thought!

Tactics were never part of the initial idea, but they became one of the most liked features of the app! (Full set of 300 tactical puzzles of Anand and Carlsen are available for purchase via my iChess Android and iOS app)

Live video was! But even after the app was officially released, there were no details on how to access the live video! (lol, can only laugh when I think about it now!)
Picture gallery was optional, and remains optional till date! 😉
There were so many features that I wanted to add and so many changes that were requested by Chess fans, but then there is a limit to time, energy and motivation!

♚ Who will annotate the previous encounters?

The previous encounters had to be annotated. With my limited time and Chess skills, I could never had done justice to the master pieces. I initially approached a couple of Indian GM’s, one of whom is well known for his satirical posts. But I did not have the money to offer nor did they have the time. (Note, the app was developed for FREE with no monetary payment. Just for honor and pride, or “loyalty huh?” as Vishy Anand told me at the pre-match dinner party!)
Then entered, Sagar Shah, the most energetic and entertaining Chess annotator I have ever seen. His annotations are like poetry! He agreed to annotate for the share of the “glory” and no money, although I did tell him that in case there is a chance to monetize the app, then I shall pay him 30% of the revenue. Thanks to the server costs, the revenue is negative! Ofcourse, being the “official” app, it could not serve any Ads and generate revenue. Imagine the app saying, “you can only watch the first two games for free. Rest of the games need $0.99, each) 😛

♚ The first version

After several internal Beta test versions from Oct 21st to Oct 25th, the first version was released for public download on Oct 26th. I could now breathe easy, atleast that is what I thought!
Then followed a series of changes, bug fixes, improvements, additions, deletions. Overall, 15 versions were released since then, each carrying some improvement or bug fix or some unavoidable design change!

♚ Stats & Dates

  • Development started – Sep 1st
  • First version released – Oct 26th
  • Total active users – >45,000 (as of Nov 27) (my expectation before the match was a modest 5000!)
  • Average rating – 4.72/5 (389 of 471 were 5 stars!)
  • Top 3 countries – India (37.8%), Spain (7.72%), Germany (7.52%). Norway was #5 with 3.87% sessions.

♚ Thanks

This app would not have been possible without the kind support of so many Chess enthusiasts and even non-enthusiasts (the app icon was developed by a “non-Chess” guy!)
Starting with Bharat Singh, who liked the app idea and immediately called up to take this forward. Sagar Shah and Swayams Mishra who helped with the Previous encounters and Tactics respectively. Such was Sagar’s enthusiasm and commitment, that he would burn the midnight oil and stay up late till the morning and annotate the game (before he got busy with his own tournament)! I think it took a toll on him and he had a disastrous performance at the recently concluded Chennai Grand Master open tournament.
Soni Prasad, my college mate who designed the app icon even though he was faced with some personal tragedy and difficult situations.
Aart Bik, who offered the first “foreign” hand and translated the app to Dutch. BTW, he is the developer of the popular “Chess for Android” app.
Many of them came ahead on their own accord and helped with the translation. This is the real Chess spirit! Bruno Pellanda, David Kaufmann, Houssem Collo, Jan Hotarek, Michael Meyer, Sverre Eugen. And the many people on G+, Twitter and FB who helped with their kind and encouraging words.
Some times users don’t realize how their words (reviews in this case) can positively or negatively affect others. For instance, a user did not like the recently added Norwegian translation and chose to give a bad review. That was enough to upset Sverre, who had spent the time and effort to help translate and had personally offered his help in the first place. “So let them do it from here. I stick to only playing chess”, Sverre argued. The user who chose to award a bad review, never offered any help to correct the translation, inspite of asking for his feedback! Thats life!

♚ Future of the app?

Dalila – “I’ll miss seeing the coloured notification ‘a move has been made’“. It was indeed a part of my life for the past 3 months and for many fans world wide. This is quite evident from the amazing response the app received. And I am truly grateful.

At one point, the app was #6 in the Top New Free Apps in the Brain & Puzzle Category on the Google Play Store!
So whats next? Like Deep Blue, the super computer, the app will be disassembled! But the parts will be used for a future project with the intention of watching live games and even more! Stay tuned!

♚ Perks of the job

Watching the Opening ceremony from the front row!

Sitting on that chair, touching those pieces!

Oh and, congratulations to MAGNUS CARLSEN, the new World Chess Champion!
(My 10 year old niece, who was “not interested” in Chess, now likes Magnus Carlsen and has taken to chess again! She plays Chess with her 8 year old brother who coincidentally likes Anand…still!)

PS. Some photos from the event:


New Chess puzzles from June 2013 and Mate in 1 move!

Today I have released new puzzles which can be purchased via iChess app!

Mate in 1 (400 puzzles!)
Check mate in only one move. Nothing more, nothing less!
This is great for beginners and kids but can also be good fun for more serious players!

June 2013 (300 puzzles)
300 puzzles from recent games played in June 2013. Featuring games from Tal Memorial, FIDE World Blitz, Russian Championship etc and games played by Anand, Mamedyarov, Andreikin.


Analyze This in Action [Video]

Here is a video of Analyze This app in action.

analyzethis android

Analyze This v2.0 released – your Android Chess experience just got better

I am very excited and proud to release v2.0 of Analyze This. This is my first major release after quitting my day job and going full-time and I am personally very happy with this release.

    What’s new?

    • New innovative feature: Simply tilt your device (left edge up or down) to move forward/backward through the moves! Now give your fingers some rest! See Settings to enable/disable. Or you can even use the Volume button/keys of your device
    • Install UCI engine of your choice! Hide some or all engines
    • Load and Save PGN games including variations. Touch and hold move in the notation view for more options
    • Refreshing new look, smoother interface plus board colors
    • Share game/position with other Chess apps or via email/twitter. Can even share the current board position as image!
    • Tap engine analysis to play the first move on the board
    • Stockfish upgraded to latest 3.0 version
    • Delete and Share your PGN files right from within the app
    • Many bug fixes and improvements

    THIS upgrade was made possible by the kind feedback and suggestions from many invisible friends! (whom I have never met and may never get a chance to meet!)

    Arne | Artem | Benzi | Carlos | David | Dom | Joseph | Justin | Kevin | Mehmet | Raymond

    Both free and paid apps have Critter and Stockfish by default. If you only see one engine, then please re-install the app and start the app once. 
    Edit: Issue fixed in v2.0.1

    [Pictures] Ubuntu Tablet OS on my Nexus 7

    My curiosity got the better of me and I decided to try the Ubuntu Tablet OS Developer preview on my Nexus 7.

    Things I liked (over Android)
    • Quick access to apps via Unity sidebar. (Android has “sidebar” and “unity” apps)
    Challenges ahead for the Ubuntu OS (in no particular order)
    • Keyboard needs a lot of improvement
    • Less intuitive (had trouble figuring out how the swipe gestures work)
    • Show me the apps! Currently the Twitter, FB and Gmail apps are just shortcuts to the web. Nothing like native apps!
    • Google integration. Yes I am a Google power user
    • Switching between apps is clumsy (Android intents rock!)
    • Closing apps is painful (you need to swipe up from the bottom edge, then press the “X” icon.
    • Getting it to work on different screens. Some dummy apps clipped (see Game and Calculator images below)
    Home screen
    (currently it is a static and does not do anything)
    Recent apps
    (swipe up from the bottom edge)
    The Unity bar
    (swipe rightwards from the left edge of the screen)


    Dummy Home screen
    Dummy Music content
    Dummy Call screen
    Home screen (downloadable content)
    Dummy Messages
    Dummy Music screen
    (does nothing)
    Game gone for a toss
    (does nothing)
    Battery panel
    (swipe down from the battery icon)
    Could not change the Date/Time
    (swipe down from the Date icon) 
    “Sharing” screen
    People home screen

    Dummy Calculator
    (clipped, does nothing)
    Notes app
    (worst keyboard ever)


    Ubuntu Tablet OS has a LOT of work to do. If you are a Ubuntu Tablet OS developer, then you should stop reading this post and get back to work while I get back to flashing Android 4.2.2!
    android chessbookstudy

    Read Google Books using Chess Book Study Android app

    Chess Book Study v2.0.1 now has a full built-in browser based on Zirco, the open-source browser.
    With this the good news is that you can use the browser to read Google Books!
    Here is how you can do it:
    Step 1: Click “Open Web” and type in the URL bar as shown below.

    Once the page is loaded, click “My Library“. If you are on a Phone or other small screen device, you may need to scroll to the bottom of the page to see “My Library”

    Step 2: Once you click “My Library”, Google will ask you to enter your username and password to sign-in. Enter your details and click “Sign in”. You can choose the “Remember password” option if you like. Once you are logged in, you can select your book from the “My Books on Google Play” list.

     Step 3: Once you choose a book above, it would load the book details. Now click on the Book Icon (highlighted below). In some cases, you would see a “Read Now” option to the left. If not, simply click the book image.

    Step 4: The book will be loaded and you can move through the book.

    In the coming months, I shall improve the experience of reading books online.

    (Edit Apr 28) Note 0: The app may crash on some devices while trying this method. I am working on it!
    Note 1: Google Books are proprietary and closed source. Hence it is not easy for the app to read the books offline.
    Note 2: Unfortunately, Amazon Kindle books are not supported since Amazon currently only supports a limited set of browsers.

    Anand, Amazon and Abetment to suicide!

    Yesterday was a good day, a very good day. Anand won a surprise game against Kramnik in the last round of Zurich Chess AND Chess Book Study and ebookdroid apps started to function properly in the  Amazon app store after more than 4 months ordeal!

    No doubt Anand’s loss to Caruana was disappointing. Yesterday Anand was playing Kramnik in the last round and I logged in around the half way stage to find that the position was dead equal.
    After Dinner, I suddenly remembered about the game and what a surprise awaited me!
    This was my first reaction!!

    Anand – Kramnik, R6, Zurich Classic – position after Kramnik’s 21…Qb8
    Anand played 22. Rxa6! and after 22… Rxa6 23. Qxd3 Qxb2 24. Rb1 Rd6 25. Qxe2

     Qa2 26. Qb5 c6 27. Qb2 1-0 Kramnik resigned!
    Guess, this mistake more than compensates for Anand’s incredible blunder against Kramnik in the Zurich Blitz.

        Anand – Kramnik, Zurich Blitz – position after Kramnik’s 44…axb3
    Here Anand played 45. Rxb3 and immediately resigned!

    Caruana had a dream outing, winning both the Blitz and Classic sections. Congrats to the future champ!

    After many weeks and months of frustration, the Chess Book Study and ebookdroid apps were finally made live again in the Amazon app store yesterday.

    After some release in October, Chess Book Study app in the Amazon app store started to crash. Previously they worked just fine. It was difficult to understand, since the Play Store versions worked perfectly fine too. Versions which worked fine in my testing on the Kindle Fire emulator would simply crash during Amazon’s testing.
    Amazon’s testing process is appalling and at times dumb. Chess Book Study and ebookdroid need to coexist. At one point, they approved Chess Book Study app and rejected the ebookdroid and Chess Book Study (Free) versions! huh!? What will a user do simply with the Chess Book Study app if they cannot install the ebookdroid app?
    I just told Amazon that they are killing me (with this stupid process) and that they should simply allow me to jump off the Amazon building!! *sigh*

    I figured that after uploading the humble app to the Amazon store, Amazon’s process somehow messes up the application. The upload process, which should be as simple as a one-step upload of the application binary, has now become a 5 step process which includes opening up the guts of the file modified by Amazon and undoing the damage that Amazon does to it and uploading it again to Amazon!

    However, I am glad that the apps are finally live, although the damage (bad reviews) will be difficult to fix.

    Life of a developer is never easy!


    Chess Book Study v2.0 released!

    Chess Book Study has graduated to v2.0 with lots of features and improvements and I am very excited with this release.

    What’s new?
    ☆ EBookDroid has been upgraded to 1.5.6. CBS now supports all the features of ebookdroid like Auto Crop, Split, Search etc.

    ☆ Works well with other Chess apps. Now “Copy PGN” can immediately open the position in Chess for Android or DroidFish apps. You can save the PGN from that app.
    ☆ Quick access to Board options. No long press required.
    ☆ Improved “Open Web” feature. Now incorporates a full fledged open source zirco browser (with some minor changes)
    ☆ Book and Board positions can be swapped. See Board Settings. Also has a left handed mode!
    ☆ Hold the left/right arrows to jump to start or end board positions.
    ☆ Many other UI and experience improvements like bigger coordinates, board background, always-on arrows, new Edit Board layout
    ☆ Bug fixes. May they RIP!

    NB. Incase if the app crashes after upgrade, then simply uninstall and re-install both the apps.

    Get it from the Play Store or download the Free version from my Google docs.

    Edit. Chess Book Study v2.0.1 released with a bug fix in Edit Board screen in landscape mode (Thx Abel)
    EBookDroid (Chess) v1. released with bug fix related to menu options on some devices.  (Thx Karlo)


    Why the name iChess?

    Some users think “iChess” is too Appleish.
    True it is, and for that matter any English word that starts with an ‘i’!

    I chose this name for several reasons:
    1. ‘i’ is the reverse of ‘!’ which as a chess player knows stands for a good move.
    2. Many app publishing websites do not allow special characters like ‘!’.
    3. ‘i’  also sounds similar to ‘eye’; and training your tactical eye is the main focus of this app!

    android ichess

    iChess for Android v1.1 released!

    v1.1 was released to the Android market today.
    It is a minor upgrade and has the following improvements:

    • Arrow in ‘Analyze Previous’ mode helps notice piece movement
    • Updated Title – Shows the Total # of games in each level
    • Automatically move to next level if last puzzle in previous level is solved or skipped
    • More than 50 puzzles added from recent tournaments:
      • 39th GM Dortmund, Germany
      • 98th British Chp
      • 8th World Teams, China
      • AAI GM, New Delhi
      • 39th World Open, USA
      • Commonwealth, South Africa
      • 1st China Rapid Prelim
      • Biel ACCENTUS GM